We get lots of questions from our readers and companies, so we thought we’d share the most frequently asked ones here. If you have a question that we haven’t addressed yet, you can reach out to us anytime: contact@latest-hairstyles.com
FAQs About Latest Hairstyles
Commonly Asked Questions:
Latest-hairstyles.com was started by Cindy Marcus in 2005. As a hairstylist, she was searching for hair ideas only and didn't find very many options. She decided to start this site as a place to store inspiration for her clients. Eventually people discovered the site from searching Google.
Yes, Latest Hairstyles is officially owned and operated by Invision Management Group, LLC, which is based out of Las Vegas, NV.
Every piece of content on the site is reviewed by a hairstylist, colorist or barber. Some health related topics are reviewed by a board certified trichologist. Before publishing, everything is reviewed by a professional editor. You can read more about our editorial standards here.
Yes, we use AI to help assist with writing content. We've found that this can be helpful for professional hairstylists, colorists and barbers to kickstart the writing process. All AI generated content is reviewed by a human hairstylist, colorist or barber.
Yes, we make money by selling ads on our site. All of our advisering is handles by Freestar. Ads do not influence our editorial content or strategy. You can check out our media kit here
No, we do not. All content is produced in-house by our team.
Our articles are written by human hairstylists, colorists and barbers. Some articles are pre-written by AI and edited by expert humans.